Spoken English

spoken english
4-12 Weeks
1 Hour
Spoken English Course Overview

Duration: A typical spoken English course lasts between 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the depth of content and level of instruction.

Daily Hours of Class: Participants generally need to commit 1-2 hours per day for classes, with additional time for practice and assignments.

Who Can Do This Course: The course is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including students, professionals, job seekers, business owners, and anyone who wants to improve their spoken English skills. There are no specific prerequisites, making the course accessible to all English proficiency levels.

Benefits of Doing This Course:

  1. Improved Communication Skills: Gain confidence in speaking English in various contexts.
  2. Enhanced Career Opportunities: Improve job prospects with better English communication skills.
  3. Increased Global Mobility: Enhance ability to communicate in English-speaking countries and environments.
  4. Greater Social Interaction: Build stronger relationships through improved conversational skills.
  5. Effective Business Communication: Develop skills for effective communication in professional settings.
Modules for Spoken English Course:
  1. Introduction to Spoken English

    • Understanding the importance of spoken English in various contexts.
    • Setting goals for improving spoken English skills.
    • Identifying common challenges and areas for improvement.
  2. Basic Grammar and Vocabulary

    • Reviewing essential grammar rules (tenses, articles, prepositions, conjunctions).
    • Building vocabulary and learning common expressions.
    • Practicing grammar in conversational contexts.
    • Using common phrases and idioms in everyday conversation.
  3. Pronunciation and Phonetics

    • Learning the correct pronunciation of English words and phrases.
    • Understanding phonetic sounds and practicing them.
    • Focusing on word stress, intonation, and rhythm in spoken English.
    • Exploring regional accents and developing a neutral accent for better understanding.
  4. Listening and Comprehension Skills

    • Developing listening skills through audio exercises and conversations.
    • Improving comprehension by listening to various English accents.
    • Practicing active listening and responding appropriately.
  5. Conversational English

    • Practicing everyday conversations through role-plays and dialogues.
    • Learning to ask and answer questions in English.
    • Developing fluency and reducing hesitation in speech.
  1. Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

    • Learning the basics of public speaking and overcoming stage fright.
    • Practicing presentations and speech delivery.
    • Improving articulation and voice modulation for better impact.
  2. Business English and Professional Communication

    • Developing communication skills for business settings.
    • Learning to participate in meetings, interviews, and workplace discussions.
    • Understanding formal and informal communication styles.
  3. Cultural Awareness and Contextual Language Use

    • Understanding cultural references in English-speaking environments.
    • Learning idiomatic expressions and their meanings.
    • Adapting language and communication style based on context.
  4. Group Discussions and Team Communication

    • Practicing group discussions and collaborative communication.
    • Learning to express opinions and engage in debates.
    • Developing teamwork and leadership communication skills.
  5. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

    • Receiving feedback on spoken English performance.
    • Implementing feedback to improve pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary.
    • Setting personal goals for continuous improvement in spoken English.
Career Options:

After completing a spoken English course, participants can pursue various career opportunities, including:

  1. Customer Service Representative: Communicating with customers in English.
  2. Sales and Marketing Specialist: Engaging clients and customers through effective English communication.
  3. Business Professional: Communicating in English within the workplace and during meetings.
  4. Public Speaker: Using public speaking skills to present and communicate in English.
  5. English Teacher/Trainer: Teaching English or providing training in spoken English.